Understanding Teen Dating Violence & Helping Teens Heal

Recorded: February 26, 2025

This training focuses on raising awareness about teen dating violence (TDV) & equipping participants with the tools to identify, support, & intervene in cases of TDV. It covers:

  • Signs & types of abuse (physical, emotional, sexual, & digital)
  • Impact of TDV on young people's well-being
  • Effective strategies for approaching teens who may be experiencing abuse •
  • How to provide a safe, supportive environment
  • Connecting teens with resources like counseling



Register To View On-Demand Recording of the Webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/1617406641500/WN_m7zNtLAlQwi3yQ8o9pTLwg










If you were unable to attend this webinar, we invite you to watch the recording. At the end of the recording, you can download a Certificate of Viewing by completing a brief evaluation and attesting that you viewed the webinar in its entirety. This is not a Certificate of Attendance for those who attended the webinar live.


Chelsea Falotico, Community Outreach Manager for the Victims' Intervention Program, will be our presenter. Chelsea has been in victim services for nearly ten years. Starting as a Case Manager at a domestic violence shelter in New Jersey, she quickly realized that this was more than just “work” for her. It became her passion. Now, as the Community Outreach Manager of VIP, she takes pride in educating the community about the complex issues survivors of crime and abuse must face every day.


We know the topic triggers so many of us, and we will provide a representative from the Victims' Intervention Program to support on the spot and answer questions as they occur.

Everyone will leave with resources that can be used to educate others and provide resources for support available at the national and state levels and directions on finding resources and support at the county level.




Ericka Thaxton, Medical Advocate
With a long history of working in both victim services and healthcare, Ericka has been able to see
firsthand what patients and medical providers experience when dealing with violent interpersonal
crime. She began her time with VIP in 2016 as a volunteer taking crisis calls after hours.

Ericka now serves as the Medical Advocate; she is dedicated to bridging the gap between victim services and healthcare providers throughout all of Wayne and Pike Counties by adopting a trauma-informed culture and providing much-needed education on domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking issues.